By Martin Boross
2024, Hungary, 1h47, vostf/vosta
French premiere


Starring : Zsolt Der, Andras Pal, Blanka Meszaros, Stefi Szabo, Daniel Baki, Erika Tanko
Screenplay : Martin Boross, Fanni Szanto
Cinematography : Daniel Balint, Kristof Becsey
Music : Mark Bartha
Setting : Anna Fekete 
Costumes : Petra Mak
Film editing : Anna Vaghy
Production : Gabor Osvath (Filmfabriq)
Coproduction : Daniel Mayer (Stereo Akt)
Tamas, a young film director, is invited to a village to run a video workshop for teenagers. He soon discovers that cucumber farming, which makes the local authorities' fortune, is based on the exploitation of the mainly Roma inhabitants, and he will do worse than better by denouncing these methods. A critical look at the place and role of the artist.