by Ronan Tronchot
2022, France, 1h33
Starring : Grégory Gadebois, Géraldine Nakache, Lyes Salem, Anton Alluin, Noam Morgensztern, Sarah Pachoud
Screenplay : Ronan Tronchot, Ludovic du Clary
Cinematography : Antoine Chevrier
Music : Pavane et Björn Gottschall
Setting : Lorraine Gaulier
Costumes : Margaux Ponsard
Film editing : Julia Maby
Production : Lucile Ric, Charles Philippe
Simon is a priest who is devoted to his parish. His life is turned upside down when he discovers he has an 11-year-old son he never knew he had. He tries to convince the highest authorities in the Church that his vocation is compatible with paternal love. Tackling a rarely addressed topic, this touching film is filled with tact and intelligence.