Mussolini's Italy


Scipio the African

The White Ship


Difficult years

Chronicle of Poor lovers

The Garden of the Finzi Continis

Novecento (1900)

The Career of a Chambermaid

Libera my love

A special day


After the First World War, Benito Mussolini established an authoritarian regime in Italy which was to dominate the country for more than twenty years, during which Fascism promoted exaltation of the nation while opposing democratic principles. This led to a strong State bent on restoring the grandeur of the Roman Empire, embodied in the person of its leader, Il Duce, until his final fall in 1945. This retrospective offers an immersion into this dark period through a selection of iconic works taken from the rich post-War filmography dedicated to Fascist Italy, together with works produced and filmed during the period with the support of the authorities.